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    • Assistant professor, with tenure, in Computer Science, DiST/UNP, 2008-2022.
    • Assistant professor of Computer Science, DiST/UNP, 2005-2008.
    • Visiting professor in Computer Science at the Computer Science Department, University of Chicago (UoC, Chicago, IL, USA), 2015/2016.
    • Visiting scholar at the Computation Institute (CI), UoC, and at the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL, Argonne, IL, USA), 2011/2012, 2013/2014.
    • Visiting at the MCS/ANL and the CI/UoC, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017.
      Visiting the NEC Laboratories of America (NECLabs) in Princeton (NJ-USA), 2010.
    • Visiting at the Department of Computer Science (Computer Architecture, Communications and Systems Group), University of Madrid Carlos III (UMC3), Spain, 2008, 2009.
    • Visiting at the MCS/ANL, 2007/2008, 2009.
      Ph.D. Student, with scholarship (UNINA, …), 2001-2005.
    • Research Contract “Development of an advanced high-performance application for Campania Region air quality management” (CPS-CNR, Naples, Italy, 2000).
    • Scientific Collaboration with the Challenger Division for Seafloor Studies, Southampton Oceanography Center, Southampton (UK).
    • Development of a software system for TOBI data processing (1999).
      Research Contract with the CPS-CNR, Naples, Italy.
    • Develop a GIS-based model for space and temporal emission distribution (“Development of an advanced high-performance application for Campania Region air quality management” project funded by the Campania Region, 1999).
    • Research Contract at the Geomare Sud Institute, National Research Center, Naples, Italy (currently IAMC, Istituto Ambiente Marino Costiero).
    • Development of a simulated Remotely Operated Vehicle with non-immersive virtual reality interface and force feedback control (1998).
    • Research Contract at the Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Center (CIRAM), University Federico II of Naples, Italy. Development of a geo-referenced database in a client/server environment for Campania Region mineral water sources management (1998).